Ash pans are perfect for collecting the ash under your fire grate but the correct size needs to be selected. The size of ash pan that’s needed will depend on the size of the grate, particularly the width at the front and back of the grate and the depth. If the fire grate has legs then it is important to only measure the width between the legs. If you do this right you can ensure that the ashpan fits snugly beneath the grate, collecting all the ash from the fire.
We stock a huge range of ash pans in a variety of shapes, sizes and designs meaning that 99% of the time you should be able to find something that will fit snugly under your grate. The ash pan that you select must be fit for purpose meaning it should be able to slide easily back and forth under the grate to collect the ash, easy to remove for cleaning underneath the grate and as with all our ash pans, be sturdy and robust.
As every solid fuel fire and grate is different it can take a long time searching through lists and lists of ash pans, trying to find the one that suits your grate. If you know the dimensions you need you can use our ash pan finder tool which should make the job of finding your ash pan easier.
Ashpan Lifter Tool
Regular Price: £7.01
Sale Price £6.31
Ashpan Tool - Suits Charnwood-DX45 Charnwood-50IB Charnwood-CW50 Charnwood-CW50B
Regular Price: £41.65
Sale Price £37.49
Ashpan Tool To Suit Gallery-Kooga
Regular Price: £7.28
Sale Price £6.56